Calpain activity and muscle wasting in sepsis

Muscle wasting in sepsis reflects activation of multiple proteolytic mechanisms, including lyosomal and ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent protein breakdown. Recent studies suggest that activation of the calpain system also plays an important role in sepsis-induced muscle wasting. Perhaps the most important consequence of calpain activation in skeletal muscle during sepsis is disruption of the sarcomere, allowing for the release of myofilaments (including actin and myosin) that are subsequently ubiquitinated and degraded by the 26S proteasome. Other important consequences of calpain activation that may contribute to muscle wasting during sepsis include degradation of certain transcription factors and nuclear cofactors, activation of the 26S proteasome, and inhibition of Akt activity, allowing for downstream activation of Foxo transcription factors and GSK-3β. The role of calpain activation in sepsis-induced muscle wasting suggests that the calpain system may be a therapeutic target in the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting during sepsis. Furthermore, because calpain activation may also be involved in muscle wasting caused by other conditions, including different muscular dystrophies and cancer, calpain inhibitors may be beneficial not only in the treatment of sepsis-induced muscle wasting but in other conditions causing muscle atrophy as well.