Internet of Things on Monitoring and Control System in Server Area

The high demand for mobile information to achieve the effectiveness of a job is the reason for improving technology at this time. The existence of a mobile monitoring system is needed to replace the monitoring activities that are still done manually. Monitoring server area managed by the company itself is still done manually which is considered less effective and the lack of automatic security in the event of short circuit and fire that can lead to losses from damage to the server device and the cessation of the company's operational activities. This research aims to create a tool that is able to provide information about the temperature and condition of server area in mobile and real time. This research also used data collection method by observation that ended with test method. The monitoring system uses the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) and sending message with SMS gateway. The device input comes from the MQ-02 Sensor, DHT22 Sensor and Wemos D1 with the resulting output of LED, Buzzer, selenoid valve, sim900 module and web display of ubidots. Then the performance of this tool is to detect the temperature and levels of smoke in the server area that is sent to the web ubidots, if the smoke detected fire extinguisher faucet will automatically open with LED and buzzer alarm and give message to the user's mobile phone number. So that with the monitoring tool is able to facilitate the work of officers when performing monitoring activities on server area and provide a sense of security to the company.

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