Effect of DNA methylation and chromatin structure onITGAL expression

LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18, αLβ2) is an integrin expressed in a tissue-specific fashion and is important in inflammatory and immune responses. Promoter analysis has identified transcription factors that may be involved in CD11a expression, but the mechanisms contributing to its tissue-specific expression are incompletely characterized. In this report we have asked if DNA methylation and/or chromatin structure could contribute to tissue-specific CD11a expression. Bisulfite sequencing was used to compare methylation patterns in the promoter and 5′ flanking regions of the ITGAL gene, encoding CD11a, in normal human T cells, which express LFA-1, and fibroblasts, which do not. The region was found to be heavily methylated in fibroblasts but not T cells, and methylation correlated with an inactive chromatin configuration as analyzed by deoxyribonuclease 1 sensitivity. Patch methylation of the promoter region revealed that promoter activity was methylation-sensitive but that methylation of the 5′ flanking regions more than 500 base pairs 5′ to the transcription start site could also suppress promoter function. Treating fibroblasts with a DNA methylation inhibitor decreased ITGAL promoter methylation and increased CD11a messenger RNA. The results thus indicate that methylation and chromatin structure may contribute to the tissue-specific expression of CD11a.

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