Ultrafast broadband frequency modulation of a continuous wave reflectometry system to measure density profiles on ASDEX Upgrade

A reflectometry system has been developed for ASDEX Upgrade to measure the plasma profile from the scrape‐off layer until the bulk plasma, simultaneously at the high and low field sides. Unique features of the system are the ultrafast broadband frequency modulation of a continuous wave using solid state stable hyper abrupt tuned oscillators (down to 10 μs), high and low field side channels and fully remote control operation, via optical fiber links. Due to the special design of the transmission line, with decoupled in going and out going lines and one‐antenna configuration, the system is optimized for reception and spurious reflections are eliminated. The ultrafast operation guarantees that the effect of plasma turbulence is greatly reduced. Both features determine the high performance of the diagnostic. A dedicated data acquisition system handles the large amounts of data generated by the broadband operation. Recent developments include the operation of new channels and an automatic and accurate frequency calibration circuit. Also, advanced digital signal processing techniques were applied to obtain density profiles with high spatial and temporal (20 μs) resolutions under turbulent plasma regions, e.g., the scrape‐off layer. Experimental results are presented showing the great sensitivity of the diagnostic to plasma radial movements and its tolerance to vertical movements of the plasma. Density profiles measured in ELMy regimes illustrate the capabilities of the diagnostic to detect fast profile changes.