Review of Compounds Affecting the Biosynthesis or Bioregulation of Anatoxins

We have attempted to review the literature dealing with compounds that have been tested for their ability to inhibit growth and/or aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. Although the list presented is by no means exhaustive, it serves as an indication of the type of research that has been carried out to date. A number of compounds and substances have been found that effectively inhibit fungal growth and aflatoxin production, while others have stimulatory properties. Unfortunately, most of these assessments have only dealt with fungal growth and/or aflatoxin production, and relatively few studies have attempted to identify possible mechanisms of action. Further research into the means by which other compounds influence aflatoxin synthesis is warranted and potentially could be highly beneficial to expand our understanding of mycotoxigenesis. Such studies are likely to yield knowledge that would lead to isolation of additional intermediate compounds of the pathway leading to aflatoxins, identification of key bioregulatory loci controlling aflatoxin synthesis and development of basic knowledge that would provide insights into new strategies for controlling aflatoxin formation in foods and feeds.