Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were grown in sand culture on nutrient solution containing adequate or growth-limiting levels of P. When water was withheld from the pots, stomata of the most recently expanded leaf closed at leaf water potentials of approximately −16 and −12 bars in the normal and P-deficient plants, respectively. Pressure-volume curves showed that the stomata of P-deficient plants closed when there was still significant turgor in the leaf mesophyll. Leaves of P-deficient plants accumulated more abscisic acid (ABA) in response to water stress, but the difference was evident only at low water potentials, after initiation of stomatal closure. In leaves excised from unstressed plants, P deficiency greatly increased stomatal response to ABA applied through the transpiration stream. Kinetin blocked most of this increase in apparent sensitivity to ABA. The effect of P nutrition on stomatal behavior may be related to alterations of the balance between ABA and cytokinins.