1. Seasonal changes in wool production per unit area of unstretched skin, number of fibres of each type per unit area, ratio of fibre types, mean fibre weights, lengths and diameters and degree of medullation are given. The production cycle shows a peak in August and September and a trough in February and March, the weight of wool produced in the latter period being only 16% of that in the former. Approximately 80% of the fleece is produced in the 6 months from June to November (lambing ewes). Other components show similar trends.2. The production cycle does not entirely coincide with the nutritional cycle as estimated from bodyweight changes before late pregnancy. Whilst bodyweight increases from September to November wool production declines by about 25%.3. The winter drop in wool production per unit area is caused partly by a decrease in the mean weight of each fibre type (in turn made up of a decrease in both length and diameter) and partly by a 50% reduction in the number of active fine fibre follicles and a 100% reduction in active kemp follicles. There is no apparent change in the number of active coarse fibre follicles. The degree of medullation of both coarse and fine fibres declines substantially between December and May.