Elasticities in Variable Environments: Properties and Implications

Elasticities in stochastic matrix models are used to understand both population and evolutionary dynamics. We examine three such elasticities: stochastic elasticity E(ij)(S) with respect to the (i, j) matrix element, the elasticity E(ij)(S mu) with respect to the mean mu(ij) of the matrix element, and the elasticity E(ij)(S sigma) with respect to the variability sigma(ij) of the matrix element. We show that the stochastic elasticity E(S) does not accurately describe the effect of variability; one should use E(S sigma) and E(S mu). We establish two general properties of these elasticities: a sum rule that connects them and a limit on the sum of the E(S sigma). We discuss the implications of these properties for the analysis of buffering and selection on the average rates versus the variability of rates.