Turkey embryo staging from cleavage through hypoblast formation

The progressive development of the turkey embryo from first cleavage through hypoblast formation was examined in order to determine the applicability of a chicken embryo staging procedure. It was concluded that the temporal and spatial events associated with the development of the early turkey embryo are sufficiently different from those of the chicken embryo to warrant a separate staging procedure. Cleavage is asynchronous and often results in asymmetrical segmentation. Unlike the chicken embryo, which at oviposition has already formed the area pellucida and area opaca and is classified as a Stage X embryo, the turkey embryo at oviposition is only at the beginning of area pellucida formation and is classified as a Stage VII embryo. After about 3 hr of incubation and prior to completion of the area pellucida, hypoblast formation begins at the posterior end, thereby establishing the bilaterally symmetrical pattern of the embryo. When viewed from the dorsal surface, an opaque region is observed at the center of the area pellucida. This opacity is unique to the turkey embryo and is referred to as the area alba. When viewed from the ventral surface, the area alba appears to be composed of large whitish cells. To conclude, the rate of turkey embryo development through the completion of hypoblast formation, which consists of 11 stages, lags behind that of the chicken. Furthermore, the organization as well as origin of the area pellucida and hypoblast observed in the turkey embryo differ from that of the chicken embryo.