New XY-Theta Positioning Table with Partially Decoupled Parallel Kinematics

Parallel robots provide an efficient solution in a world demanding better positioning accuracy. These robots are preferred over their serial counterparts because each leg helps support the platform, thus reducing the need to add means for extra support. The problem with parallel robots though is that most are coupled and difficult to control. In this paper, new parallel robot architecture has been proposed that can deliver accurate movements in addition to being partially decoupled and fast. This is a significant technological advantage over current designs because a decoupled robot is simpler to control as each actuator is independent. Furthermore, its displacement resolution is less variable throughout the workspace. To achieve the decoupled state, this parallel robot took the novel approach of having mixed legs. By comparing this robot to existing commercial devices through kinematic, singularity, workspace, velocity and dexterity analysis, this paper would like to show that this new design should be looked into further to create a precision positioning table that is parallel, decoupled, and highly accurate

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