Degrees of Freedom for the MIMO Interference Channel

In this correspondence, we show that the exact number of spatial degrees of freedom (DOF) for a two user nondegenerate (full rank channel matrices) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian interference channel with M1, M2 antennas at transmitters 1, 2 and N1, N2 antennas at the corresponding receivers, and perfect channel knowledge at all transmitters and receivers, is min{M1 + M2, N1 + M2, max(M1, N2), max(M2, N1)}. A constructive achievability proof shows that zero forcing is sufficient to achieve all the available DOF on the two user MIMO interference channel. We also show through an example of a share-and-transmit scheme how the gains of transmitter cooperation may be entirely offset by the cost of enabling that cooperation so that the available DOF are not increased.

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