Is the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for 11?14 year olds sensitive to clinical and self-perceived variations in orthodontic status?

To assess the association between scores on the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for 11-14 year olds (CPQ11-14) and clinical and self-perceived measures of malocclusion. Children were recruited from an orthodontic clinic just prior to starting orthodontic treatment. They completed a copy of the CPQ11-14 and a short questionnaire concerning their feelings about the condition of their teeth. Study models were taken and rated according to the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) and the Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index by two sets of three examiners. Intra and inter-rater reliabilities for the two sets of examiners ranged from 0.80 to 0.99. CPQ11-14 scores were calculated for the full 35-item version and for 16 and 8-item short forms by summing the item response codes. The association between these scores, the DAI and PAR ratings and self-perceived measures of malocclusion were examined using appropriate parametric and nonparametric tests. Complete data were collected for 141 children, 63 boys and 78 girls. The mean age was 12.5 (SD = 1.0). DAI scores ranged from 17.0 to 58.0 with a mean of 35.0 (SD = 8.0). The distribution of subjects across the four severity categories was minor/none - 6.6%, definite - 35.2%, severe - 15.6% and handicapping 42.6%. PAR scores ranged from 8.0 to 66.0 with a mean of 31.4 (SD = 11.1). Eight percent had scores of 50 or above indicating marked deviation from an ideal occlusion. Both the long and the short forms of the CPQ11-14 identified substantial variability in the impacts of malocclusion. Correlations between CPQ11-14 scores and the orthodontic indices ranged from 0.26 to 0.31 (P < 0.01). There was a clear gradient in CPQ11-14 scores across four categories of the PAR based on quartiles. The gradient across the DAI categories was less clear. There were significant associations between all CPQ11-14 scores and the children's self-ratings of oral health, ratings of the extent to which the condition of the teeth affected life overall and expressions of happiness with the appearance and arrangement of the teeth. The results provide some evidence of the validity of the CPQ11-14 when used with children needing orthodontic treatment. However, because clinical samples are biased the study needs to be repeated in different treatment settings in order to confirm the utility of the measure.