Abnormal perception of visceral pain in response to gastric distension in chronic idiopathic dyspepsia

Sensory and pressure responses to gastric distension were evaluated in 24 consecutive patients suffering from chronic idiopathic dyspepsia and 20 healthy subjects. A latex balloon was placed in the proximal stomach and inflated by increments of 100 ml of air up to a maximal volume of 800 ml. Symptom response and intragastric pressure-volume curve were recorded during the gradual balloon distension. Thirteen of the 24 patients experienced pain at a distension volume ≤400 ml of air, but only one of the 20 controls (PP<0.01). Thus, a primary visceral sensory anomaly, either alone or in conjunction with motility disturbances, can play an important role in chronic idiopathic dyspepsia and must be taken in account for further therapeutic research.