Physical and functional interactions between the transcription factor PU.1 and the coactivator CBP

Yeast two-hybrid system was employed to isolate novel proteins that physically interact with PU.1, a member of Ets family transcription factors. Sequence analyses of several isolated clones positive for β-galactosidase activity revealed that one of these clones was confirmed to encode a transcriptional coactivator, CREB binding protein (CBP). GST binding assay showed that the interacting sites were located at the transcriptional activation domain of PU.1 through 74 – 122 and the region spanning residues 1283 – 1915 of CBP. CBP potentiated PU.1-mediated transcription of the reporter gene driven by the multimerized PU.1-binding sites, suggesting that CBP functions as a coactivator for PU.1. Considering that CBP is a limited cellular component to function as a coactivator for several transcription factors, CBP may mediate synergistic and antagonistic interactions between PU.1 and other transcription factors during the process of hematopoietic cell differentiation.