The Incidence of Eye Injuries in New England Adults

• A population-based study examined the incidence of eye injuries among New England adults and its association with demographic characteristics and risk-taking behaviors. In 3253 random digit-dialed telephone interviews, 26 adults reported 27 eye injuries during the preceding year, yielding a rate of 9.75 eye injuries per 1000 New England adults. Fifty-nine percent of eye injuries occurred at work. Men had a risk of eye injuries 5.5 times that of women and there was a steep linear decline in eye injury rates with advancing age. Individuals who had other, noneye injuries during the preceding year and individuals who had recently driven after drinking, used marijuana, received a ticket for a moving violation, or not worn seat belts had higher rates of eye injury, but these elevated rates were not statistically significant. Educational and preventive efforts to avoid eye injuries should be directed toward young males in high-risk occupations.

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