Clinical and radiological features of odontogenic ghost cell carcinoma: review of the literature and report of four new cases

Objectives: To analyse systematically the clinical and radiological features of odontogenic ghost cell carcinoma (OGCC). Methods: Clinical and radiological features of 22 OGCCs (4 new and 18 from the literature) were analysed. Results: There were 17 (77%) males and 5 (23%) females (male-to-female ratio of 3.4:1). Ages ranged from 13 years to 72 years (mean 36.7) with a peak in the fourth (40.9%) and fifth (27.3%) decades. The maxilla was involved in 68% and the mandible in 32%. Our study confirmed that OGCC is more prevalent in Asians (12/18) than in other racial groups. The mixed radiolucent and radiopaque lesion pattern was the most frequent (14/19) compared with radiolucent lesions (5/19). 89% (17/19) showed poorly defined borders and 11% (2/19) showed well defined borders. Root resorption was reported in 31% (6/19) of patients and tooth displacements in 21%. Conclusions: OGCC demonstrates clinical and radiographic features of a malignant tumour with high recurrence.

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