The 2000 Clinical Research Award. Describing and predicting distress and satisfaction with life for burn survivors.

  • 24 February 2001
    • journal article
    • Vol. 21 (6), 490-8
We investigated ratings of emotional distress and satisfaction with life at discharge from the hospital and at a 6-month follow-up in a multisite sample of 295 adults hospitalized for the care of a major burn injury. Several psychosocial variables (history of alcohol abuse, marital status, and previous mental health) and some medical variables (days of intensive care, pulmonary complications, and hand burns) accounted for significant variance in the prediction of outcomes. Brief Symptom Inventory (distress) scores were higher and Satisfaction With Life Scale scores were significantly lower than those of a normative population at both measurement points. The results show the utility of biosocial models in which psychological and physical variables interact to influence adjustment and quality of life.