Apoptosis in mosquito midgut epithelia associated with West Nile virus infection

The mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens is a documented vector of West Nile virus (WNV, Flaviviridae, Flavivirus). Our laboratory colony of C. p. pipiens, however, was repeatedly refractory to experimental transmission of WNV. Our goal was to identify if a cellular process was inhibiting virus infection of the midgut. We examined midguts of mosquitoes fed control and WNV-infected blood meals. Three days after feeding, epithelial cells from abdominal midguts of mosquitoes fed on WNV fluoresced under an FITC filter following Acridine Orange staining, indicating apoptosis in this region. Epithelial cells from experimental samples examined by TEM exhibited ultrastructural changes consistent with apoptosis, including shrinkage and detachment from neighbors, heterochromatin condensation, nuclear degranulation, and engulfment of apoptotic bodies by adjacent cells. Virions were present in cytoplasm and within cytoplasmic vacuoles of apoptotic cells. No apoptosis was detected by TEM in control samples. In parallel, we used Vero cell plaque assays to quantify infection after 7 and 10 day extrinsic incubation periods and found that none of the mosquitoes (0/55 and 0/10) which imbibed infective blood were infected. We propose that programmed cell death limits the number of WNV-infected epithelial cells and inhibits disseminated viral infections from the mosquito midgut.