Prognosis for Vision in Amblyopia After the Loss of the Good Eye

• Two hundred three cases of unilateral amblyopia with the loss of the good eye included 59 taken from literature and 144 obtained from a questionnaire sent to ophthalmologists. The improvement noted in both sources was quite different: 47.5% v 28.5%. Because the cases from the questionnaire constituted a much more random selection than those from the literature, the former serve as a basis for discussion and conclusions. In 17.4% of the cases improvement was obtained without treatment. This result is closely linked to the existence of foveal fixation (93.7%). In 11.1% of the cases, the improvement was obtained with pleoptic treatment. The important prognostic factors were the existence of foveal fixation and the loss of the good eye. Pleoptic treatment was valuable in our sample, especially for patients with eccentric fixation.

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