A number of bacterial species were assayed for the ability to utilize galacturonic acids in minimal and supplemented media. The test organisms were assigned to one of three groups with respect to uronic acid utilization: group 1 utilized uronic acids as sole C sources; group 2 utilized uronic acids only in supplemented media; group 3 were unable to utilize uronic acids. Individual differences were noted in the rate and extent of growth of the adaptable species on uronic acid media. Shigella flexneri strain 2a is greatly stimulated by these sugar acids. The plant pathogen, Xanthomonas malvacearum, utilizes either galacturonic or glucuronic acid as a sole C source and has constitutive enzymes for oxidizing the acids. Erwinia carotovora displayed a marked preference for galacturonic acid in culture. Cells of that species grown on galacturonic acid were induced to oxidize glucuronic acid while cells grown on glucuronic acid oxidize galacturonic acid rapidly for a limited time. Washed suspensions of cells of several species grown on galacturonic acid differed in ability to oxidize glucuronic acid.