More to learn about: periodontitis‐related knowledge and its relationship with periodontal health behaviour

To assess periodontitis-related knowledge and its relation to oral health behaviour on a community level and to identify target groups and major topics for health education interventions.By means of a multistratified, stochastic telephone survey, 1001 interviews with Germans older than 14 years were carried out. Participants answered questions on the definition, aetiology, and risk factors of periodontal disease and on the risks associated with and measures to prevent them. They also reported on their current oral health behaviour.Severe knowledge deficits were found with respect to all topics. No consistent relationships with age or education were found, although less educated and very young and old people tended to show the greatest deficits. Knowledge of preventive measures was most strongly related to current oral health behaviour.Health education on periodontal diseases must be improved on a community level, although schoolchildren, older citizens and the less educated are the groups most in need. Interventions should focus on preventive measures.