Characterization offelectrons in light lanthanide and actinide metals by electron-energy-loss and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Core-excitation edges in metallic La, Th, and U have been investigated by electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Strong excitation-energy-dependent variations of the EELS spectra are observed and shown to be due to the energy dependence of the scattering cross section. An analysis of the Th 4f spectra in an atomic scattering picture indicates 5f symmetry for the realized final states. Furthermore, for the La 3d and 4d as well as for the Th 5d core-excitation edges, a multiplet calculation in intermediate coupling was carried out, yielding excellent agreement with the observed fine structure in the EELS spectra. Thus, in analogy to La metal, it is concluded that a final state of the type 5d95f1 is observed in the Th-metal 5d spectrum. Qualitative arguments for an atomic picture of the core excitations of U are also presented. The knowledge of the final states realized in EELS, together with the measured threshold energies in EELS and XPS, allows a determination of the symmetry of the final-state screening orbitals in XPS. It is shown that the core holes in La are screened mainly by d conduction electrons, while in Th and U the screening is achieved predominantly by 5f electrons. It is demonstrated that the combined EELS-XPS technique constitutes a powerful tool for determining the degree of 5f localization in actinides and their compounds.