Summary. The JP2 clone of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, a high‐leukotoxin‐producing strain, characterized by a 530‐basepair (bp) deletion in the promoter region of the leukotoxin gene operon and mainly found among individuals with African origin, is associated with localized aggressive periodontitis. The objective of the study was to examine the occurrence of periodontal disease in a Moroccan immigrant family living in Denmark in which the oldest son (14 year) was referred and treated for localized aggressive periodontitis. Further, the potential occurrence of the JP2 clone of A. actinomycetemcomitans in the family was examined. Here we present the clinical, radiographic, and microbiological findings from the family. Clinical and radiographic examination of the other family members revealed that 3 of 5 younger siblings had localized aggressive periodontitis, one had gingivitis and the mother had chronic periodontitis. Despite scaling followed by intensive maintenance therapy several family members, including the sibling with gingivitis, had further attachment loss at the 1‐year examination. The JP2 clone of A. actinomycetemcomitans was isolated from subgingival plaque samples from 4 children with periodontitis. In contrast, it was not detected in plaque from the oldest boy, who had been treated for localized aggressive periodontitis by surgery combined with antibiotic therapy. The 4 children with periodontitis and colonized with the JP2 clone were treated by scaling and antibiotic administration. One month later the JP2 clone could still be detected in plaque samples. In conclusion, it is confirmed that members of immigrant families with African origin are potential carriers of the JP2 clone and that those families often have multiple family members with localized aggressive periodontitis. It is proposed that those families are given periodontal examination frequently to benefit from early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.