Cryo-EM structure of an activated GPCR-G protein complex in lipid nanodiscs

G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest superfamily of transmembrane proteins and the targets of over 30% of currently marketed pharmaceuticals. Although several structures have been solved for GPCR-G protein complexes, structural studies of the complex in a physiological lipid membrane environment are lacking. Here, we report cryo-EM structures of lipid bilayer-bound complexes of neurotensin, neurotensin receptor 1, and Gai1b1g1 protein in two conformational states, resolved to 4.1 and 4.2 Å resolution. The structures were determined in lipid bilayer without any stabilizing antibodies/nanobodies, and thus provide a native-like platform for understanding the structural basis of GPCR-G protein complex formation. Our structures reveal an extended network of protein-protein interactions at the GPCR-G protein interface compared to in detergent micelles, defining roles for the lipid membrane in modulating the structure and dynamics of complex formation, and providing a molecular explanation for the stronger interaction between GPCR and G protein in lipid bilayers. We propose a detailed allosteric mechanism for GDP release, providing new insights into the activation of G proteins for downstream signaling.