Photoabsorption of the 4d electrons in xenon

In xenon, the cross section has been measured over the energy range 64–70 eV (194–177 Å) for two series of resonances that converge to the 4d9 5s2 5p6(2D5/2,3/2) limits. By a parametrization technique the cross-section amplitude and widths of these resonances have been obtained. The oscillator strength, averaged over the interval between resonances, and the widths of resonances in each series are essentially constant. The oscillator strength in these 4d9 5s2 5p6(2D5/2,3/2)np series is small (0.06) compared to the total continuum oscillator strength integrated over open p and f channels. The ratio of the cross section at the 4d9 5s2 5p6(2D5/2) limit to the cross section at the 4d9 5s2 5p6(2D3/2) limit had a value of 1.4(4), consistent with the ratio of the statistical weights of the NIV,V levels.