Metaplastic (infarcted) Warthin's tumour of the parotid gland: a possible consequence of fine needle aspiration biopsy

The metaplastic (or infarcted) variant of Warthin's tumour is characterized by replacement of much of the original oncocytic epithelium by metaplastic squamous cells, along with areas of extensive necrosis, fibrosis and inflammatory change. The pathogenesis is unknown, but it is most likely to be vascular in origin. An association with a previous fine needle aspiration (FNA) has been suggested, and this is explored further. Nine metaplastic Warthin's tumours were collected from several centres: all arose in the parotid gland, and all showed the characteristic histological features. Eight had previously undergone FNA some 1–4 months before surgery; the other case had had an incisional biopsy. It is important to recognize metaplastic Warthin's tumour, because the differential diagnoses of this benign neoplasm include mucoepidermoid and squamous carcinoma, both primary and metastatic. The tumours in this study followed FNA or biopsy, and we believe this association is unlikely to be coincidental. Although many metaplastic Warthin's tumours clearly arise spontaneously, we conclude that the balance of probabilities favours the view that FNA is capable of causing metaplastic change in a Warthin's tumour, and may have done so in these cases. If so, this previously unusual subtype will become increasingly common, as FNA becomes more widely used (and its value appreciated) in the investigation of patients with a mass in the neck.