Proposed diagnostic criteria and nosology of acute transverse myelitis

Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) is a focal inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord, resulting in motor, sensory, and autonomic dysfunction. A set of uniform diagnostic criteria and nosology for ATM is proposed to avoid the confusion that inevitably results when investigators use differing criteria. This will ensure a common language of classification, reduce diagnostic confusion, and lay the groundwork necessary for multicenter clinical trials. In addition, a framework is suggested for evaluation of individuals presenting with signs and symptoms of ATM. Best treatment often depends on a timely and accurate diagnosis. Because acute transverse myelopathies are relatively rare, delayed and incomplete work-ups often occur. Rapid and precise diagnosis will ensure not only that compressive lesions are detected and treated but also that idiopathic ATM is distinguished from ATM secondary to a known underlying disease. Identification of etiologies may suggest medical treatment, whereas no clearly established medical treatment currently exists for idiopathic ATM. Establishment of a diagnostic algorithm will likely lead to improved care, although it is recognized that the entire evaluation may not be performed for each patient.