Potential Use of Response Surface Analyses for Weed Management in Soybeans (Glycine max)

In crop/weed interactions a method is needed to reduce the complex data derived from interference research to a simple form which can be utilized immediately. A response surface technique was utilized in analyses involving densities, duration of interference, interference abilities of different species, and weed growth rates. At high weed densities interfering for long durations, multispecies interference is not additive but at low densities additiveness is approached. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield loss from multispecies weed interference was calculated by subtracting the percent yield loss from the most competitive weed and then repeating the same procedure for remaining weeds. Interference data for weed species in which fewer data were available were determined by linear interpolation for densities of more comprehensively researched, closely related species. Polynominal regression curves were utilized to predict weed age and future weed size from weed height. These analyses can produce information to assist soybean producers in recognizing economically detrimental threshold levels of weed infestations which require the initiation of control measures.