The orthonomal frame first found by Carter (1968) is the natural frame to use when interpreting Newman–Penrose formalism outside the event horizon of a Kerr black hole. Observers at rest in this frame rotate round the hole at constant r and θ with angular velocity $$d\phi/dt=a/({r}^{2}+{a}^{2})$$.A simple set of Maxwell equations satisfied by field components in the Carter frame is obtained. Boundary conditions for a force-free black hole magnetosphere are found. Expressions for the rate of loss of energy and angular momentum by a black hole to a electromagnetic field are derived in terms of the toroidal components of the field at the event horizon. They are evaluated for a field that is slowly rotating with angular frequency ω and is approximately uniform at radii satisfying M ⪡ r ⪡ 1/ω. If B is the magnitude of the component of the field perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the hole, the rates of loss of energy and angular momentum are $$(2/3)\omega B_{\perp }^{2}a{M}^{2}\,\text{and}\,B_{\perp }^{2}a{M}^{2}$$ respectively in geometrical units.