Dog Bites

• Dog bites are a common but neglected pediatric problem. To clarify the epidemiology of dog bites and to learn if parents would welcome counseling aimed at preventing bites, 455 families (960 children) in a Denver pediatric practice were surveyed. One hundred ninety-four children (20.2%) had been bitten at least once, with the majority of bites occurring before the child was aged 5 years. Forty-three percent of the bites prompted a visit to a physician and 16.5% received sutures. German shepherds were responsible for 17% of the incidents, more than expected relative to their popularity as pets. The dogs usually were owned by a neighbor (40.2%) or the victim's family (31%). Approximately half of the bites were believed to be unprovoked. Seventy-seven percent of the parents believed that dog bite prevention warranted discussion with their physician. Dog bites are an important pediatric problem, and parents should be counseled accordingly during well-child visits. (Am J Dis Child1982;136:202-204)

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