Clinical utility of serum holotranscobalamin as a marker of cobalamin status in elderly patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms

Early diagnosis of cobalamin deficiency is crucial, owing to the latent nature of this disorder and the resulting possible irreversible neurological damage. A normal serum cobalamin concentration does not reliably rule out a functional cobalamin deficiency and there does not at present seem to be any single diagnostic approach to achieve this diagnosis. A new marker for cobalamin status is the serum concentration of cobalamin bound to transcobalamin II (holoTC). Because methods suitable for routine use have been unavailable until recently, the clinical value of lowholoTC is still uncertain. Furthermore, there is at the moment no gold standard or true reference method to diagnose subtle cobalamin deficiency, which makes evaluation of the clinical usefulness of holoTC and the estimation of sensitivity and specificity problematic. In this study, we aimed to assess whether low holoTC concentrations are congruent with other biochemical signs of cobalamin deficiency in a group of psychogeriatric patients. The findings in the present study showthat holoTC is strongly related to serum cobalamin (0.68; p