Quinone derivatives isolated from the endolichenic fungus Phialocephala fortinii are Mdr1 modulators that combat azole resistance in Candida albicans

One of the main azole-resistance mechanisms in Candida pathogens is the upregulation of drug efflux pumps, which compromises the efficacy of azoles and results in treatment failure. The combination of azole-antifungal agents with efflux pump inhibitors represents a promising strategy to combat fungal infection. High-throughput screening of 150 extracts obtained from endolichenic fungal cultures led to the discovery that the extract of Phialocephala fortinii exhibits potent activity for the reversal of azole resistance. From P. fortinii cultures, a total of 15 quinone derivatives, comprising 11 new derivatives and 4 known compounds, were obtained. Among these compounds, palmarumycin P3 (3) and phialocephalarin B (8) specifically modulate the expression of MDR1 to inhibit the activity of drug efflux pumps and therefore reverse azole resistance. The present study revealed Mdr1 targeting as an alternative mechanism for the discovery of new agents to fight antifungal drug resistance.

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