Second-Trimester Abortion by Extra-Amniotic Instillation of Rivanol Combined with Intravenous Administration of Oxytocin or Prostaglandin F2α

Induction of second‐trimester abortion was studied by administration of the acridine derivative Rivanol in combination with an i.v. drip infusion of oxytocin or pros‐taglandin F2α (PG2α), alone or in combination. It was found that an early onset of the i.v. infusion was of major importance for the outcome. Administration of oxytocin in immediate connection with the Rivanol instillation proved more favorable than administration of PGF2α) or a combined oxytocin PGF2α drip, taking into consideration the induction‐abortion time as related to the side effects. A lag phase between the instillation of Rivanol and the start of i.v. infusion such as has earlier been frequently recommended seemed to be of no specific advantage, but caused both a prolonged induction‐abortion time and an increased incidence of infection.