Educational Objectives for International Medical Electives

Most medical schools and residency programs offer international medical electives [IMEs], but there is little guidance on educational objectives for these rotations. We reviewed the literature to compile and categorize a comprehensive set of educational objectives for IMEs. We conducted a narrative literature review with specified search criteria using SciVerse Scopus online, which includes Embase and Medline databases. From manuscripts that met inclusion criteria, we extracted data on educational objectives and sorted them into pre-elective, intra-elective, and post-elective categories. We identified and reviewed 255 articles, of which 11 (4%) manuscripts described 22 unique educational objectives. Among those, 5 (23%), 15 (68%), and 2 (9%) objectives were categorized in the pre-elective, intra-elective, and post-elective periods, respectively. Among pre-elective objectives, only cultural awareness was listed by more than two articles (3/11, 27%). Among intra-elective objectives, the most commonly defined objectives for students were enhancing clinical skills and understanding different health care systems (9/11, 82%). Learning to manage diseases rarely seen at home and increasing cultural awareness were described by nearly half (5/11, 46%) of all papers. Among post-elective objectives, reflecting on experiences through a written project was most common (9/11, 82%). We identified 22 unique educational objectives for IMEs in the published literature, some of which were consistent. These consistencies can be used as a framework upon which institutions can build their own IME curriculums, ultimately helping to ensure that their students have a meaningful learning experience while abroad.