Spontaneous rupture of the liver and the spleen: report of a successfully treated case with immunopathologic reaction.

  • 1 May 1975
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 77 (5), 722-5
A patient with a spontaneous rupture of the liver, followed by a spontaneous rupture of the spleen and gastrointestinal bleeding, is reported. The patient was operated for both ruptures and survived. We could not find any corresponding reports in the literature. Histological findings both in the liver and in the spleen were suggestive of an acute immunologic reaction and the symptoms of the patient resembled those of an autoimmune disease. Attention is drawn to the possibility that the ruptures of the liver and the spleen might have represented an allergic reaction reminiscent of the general type of Schwartzman reaction. This also could explain the other systemic manifestations of the disease. In the present patient steroid therapy eliminated all symptoms, and this possibility should be kept in mind when treating obscure ruptures of the liver and the spleen.