A questionnaire administered 2 years after classical laser uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) showed that 42% of 69 patients had complaints. Most of the complaints, however, were comparatively minor. The most frequent complaint was a tendency to nasal regurgitation (13%), although only two patients needed treatment. Other complaints were pharyngeal hypersecretion (10%), swallowing problems (9%) and speech disturbances (7%). Fourteen per cent of the 69 patients were not satisfied with the effect of the operation. In the group with complaints, 25% were dissatisfied with the result of the operation, whereas only 8% of those with no complaints were dissatisfied (p < 0.05). Continued snoring after UPPP was closely correlated to dissatisfaction with the general result (p < 0.01). It is very important to carry out follow-up after UPPP because complaints and dissatisfaction are common. Every effort should be made to reduce the tendency to nasal regurgitation. The results are relatively good and the procedure justified in cases of severe snoring and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)-resistant obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The severity and number of complaints were found to be acceptable in this difficult treatable entity.