MR imaging of the female pelvic floor in the supine and upright positions

The goal of this study was to determine whether a .5-T open configuration magnet system could be used to evaluate the female pelvic floor support structures and their functional changes in the upright and supine positions. We evaluated five normal volunteers with full bladders in the supine and sitting positions. Multiple measurements were obtained, including distance between symphysis and urethra, bladder neck to fixed pubococcygeal line, and posterior urethrovesical angle. The pelvic floor was evaluated for integrity of the urethra, vagina, and supporting ligaments. High quality, interpretable images were obtained for all five patients in both positions. Most of the pelvic floor structures were stable, with the exception of the posterior urethrovesical angle, which increased in the sitting position. We conclude that the vertically open configuration magnet system shows promise for evaluation of the female pelvic floor, including urinary stress incontinence and prolapse.