Noble Gas Optical Maser Lines at Wavelengths between 2 and 35μ

This paper describes studies of the stimulated emission spectra of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe with Ge:Au, Ge:Cu, and Ge:Zn photodetectors. Term assignments are given (with alternatives specified in cases of ambiguities) for sixty newly observed or newly identified wavelengths of Ne, twenty-six of Ar, sixteen of Kr, and four of Xe. Only in the case of nine of the Ne lines (5s4p) may the pumping of atoms to the upper maser level be attributed to energy transfer from metastable atoms of a different gas (He 2sS01 atoms). For the other lines the excitation may occur through electron impact upon atoms in the ground state or in the lowest s levels, or it may occur through processes of recombination and/or cascade. Some interesting regularities which appear among the observed lines are pointed out.