Analysis of Breast Reduction Complications Derived from the BRAVO Study

Analysis of complication data derived from the Breast Reduction Assessment: Value and Outcomes (BRAVO) study, a 9-month prospective, multicenter trial, is presented. Data derived from 179 patients were analyzed, including bivariate associations between complications and single predictor variables (Fisher's exact test or chi-square testing) or continuous variables (two-sample t test) and, finally, logistic regression. The overall complication rate was 43 percent (77 patients). Simple, bivariate analysis linked preoperative breast volume, shoulder strap grooving, and a vertical incision with an increased incidence of complications (p p Complication data revealed several significant features: (1) resection weight correlated with increased risk and absolute number of complications; (2) delayed healing correlated directly with resection weight and inversely with increasing age, anesthesia times, and preoperative Short Form-36 bodily pain score; (3) a vertical incision may be associated with increased incidence of complications but requires further analysis; and most importantly, (4) the presence of complications had no negative effect on improvement in Short Form-36 and Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire scores.