Comparative study of two Japanese rhinoconjunctivitis quality-of-life questionnaires

Conclusion. Two questionnaires were used to assess quality of life (QOL) in allergic rhinitis: the Japanese translation of the Rhino-conjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQJ) and an original Japanese QOL questionnaire (JRQLQ). Either questionnaire may be used to assess QOL depending on differences in target domains. Objectives. Although pollinosis is a common disease which has a major impact on patient QOL, no internationally standardized questionnaire has been available in Japan until now. The aim of this study was to compare two currently available QOL questionnaires for allergic rhinitis in Japan—the RQLQJ and JRQLQ—in terms of their appropriateness for clinical use and their psychometric properties. Material and methods. A multicenter, inter-group, cross-sectional study was conducted in 187 adult symptomatic patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis in 2003. Patient scores on the two questionnaires were compared in terms of both overall and comparable domains. We also examined the acceptability, construct and reliability of both questionnaires. Results. The questionnaires were highly correlated in terms of both overall and comparable domain scores. In addition, both questionnaires had equal and satisfactory psychometric validity, demonstrating that they are both useful tools for assessing QOL in rhinitis. However, when compared with each other, the JRQLQ focuses mainly on activities of daily life and is simpler, while the RQLQJ focuses mainly on rhinitis-related health and is more responsive.