Theorem proving using equational matings and rigid E -unification

In this paper, it is shown that the method of matings due to Andrews and Bibel can be extended to (first-order) languages with equality. A decidable version of E -unification called rigid E-unification is introduced, and it is shown that the method of equational matings remains complete when used in conjunction with rigid E -unification. Checking that a family of mated sets is an equational mating is equivalent to the following restricted kind of E -unification. Problem Given E ={E i | 1≤i≤n} a family of n finite sets of equations and S={⟨u i ,v i ⟩ |1≤i≤n} a set of n pairs of terms, is there a substitution θ such that, treating each set θ(E i ) as a set of ground equations (i.e., holding the variables in θ(E i ) “rigid”), θ(u i ), and θ(v i ) are provably equal from θ(E i ) for i=1,...,n? Equivalently, is there a substitution θ such that θ(u i ) and θ(v i ) can be shown congruent from θ(E i ) by the congruence closure method for i=1,...,n? A substitution θ solving the above problem is called a rigid E -unifier of S , and a pair ⟨E ,S⟩ such that S has some rigid E -unifier is called an equational premating. It is shown that deciding whether a pair ⟨ E ,S⟩is an equational premating is an NP-complete problem.

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