Deroofing Surgical Treatment for Pseudocyst of the Auricle

Pseudocyst of the auricle is characterized by asymptomatic swelling caused by an intracartilaginous accumulation of fluid. If left untreated, permanent deformity of the pinna may occur. Many modalities of treatment have been reported, but problems regarding recurrence and appearance remain. The purpose of this study was to introduce more reliable treatment for pseudocyst of the auricle.Retrospective chart review.Department of Otolaryngology, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.The population used for the present report consisted of 10 patients with auricular pseudocyst that was unresponsive to aspiration followed by intralesional steroid injection or who declined conservative treatment. All patients were treated surgically with the deroofing method under local anaesthesia.Postoperative clinical outcome and recurrence of the lesion.All patients had excellent cosmetic outcomes, and no recurrence or complication occurred.Deroofing surgery for pseudocyst of the auricle is a safe, easy, and reliable procedure. If conservative measures fail or are declined by the patient, removal of the anterior cartilaginous leaflet of the lesion is an alternative method that can yield excellent results.