Interrelationships of diet, athletic activity, menstrual status, and bone density in collegiate women

We undertook a case-control study to examine the effect of nutritional factors on menstrual function and bone density in collegiate athletes. Three groups, matched with respect to age, height, and weight, were studied: eumenorrheic collegiate athletes, oligomenorrheic collegiate athletes, and eumenorrheic sedentary collegiate control subjects. Menarche was delayed in the eumenorrheic (13.1 y) and oligomenorrheic (14.3 y) athletic groups compared with the sedentary control subjects (12.2 y) (p less than 0.05). Average bone density tended (p = 0.10) to be lower in the oligomenorrheic athletes (158 mg/mL) compared with the eumenorrheic athletes (184 mg/mL) or sedentary control subjects (173 mg/mL). Dietary fiber intake was significantly elevated (p less than 0.05) in the oligomenorrheic athletes (5.74 g/d) compared with the eumenorrheic athletes (3.62 g/d) or sedentary control subjects (2.97 g/d). We conclude that increased dietary fiber intake is associated with menstrual dysfunction of these collegiate athletes. These factors may contribute to decreased bone density.