New Approaches and Strategies for Irrigation Water Management

The depletion of groundwater resources can seriously hinder the availability of irrigation water in India and can thus adversely affect agricultural productivity, jeopardizing the food security efforts. To meet the future demand for food production India must circumspectly manage its water resources and try saving and conserving water, particularly for irrigated agriculture; enhancing use-efficiency of surface and ground water; improving groundwater recharge; and using waste waters with safety. This paper discusses issues related to irrigation water management and focuses on innovative practices, strategies and approaches. The technological advances in the area of super absorbent polymer hydrogel, lining of canals and field channels; breeding short duration and drought tolerant aerobic rice varieties; strategies for using wastewater, use of remote sensing technologies are highlighted. The issues like crop diversification, mitigation and adaptation strategies dealing with climatechange and the relevance of virtual water trading are discussed in an Indian perspective. The governmental policy decisions to arrest the trends of rapidly falling groundwater along with their impact are also discussed.