Pension and retirement intentions as determinants of employee engagement and productivity

The issue of pension funds is not only a financial matter, but also a human resource. Pension funds do not stand alone, but are assumed to be related to other human resource (HR) variables. Starting from this background, this study aims to examine the effect of the occupational pension scheme (OPS) and retirement intentions (RI) variables partially on employee productivity (EP) directly or through employee engagement (EE), the effect of OPS on RI, and the effect of OPS on EP through RI. Post-positivist is the research paradigm, with a quantitative research approach, with explanatory causal types and statistical studies. Dapenma-Pamsi is selected as the location of this research and we choose the Joint Pension Fund of municipal waterwork which are located in six provinces in Java Island. The sampling technique for this study was proportionate stratified random sampling, with a total sample of 500 active Dapenma-Pamsi participants in six provinces in Java. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-7. The data analysis technique used SEM-AMOS. The results of the study are supported by ten research hypotheses. The novelty of this research is the integration of variables rooted in the discipline of financial management and variables from the discipline of human resource management. This research is also could help Indonesia Government foster the growth of Private Pension Fund Program in Indonesia.