Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy with Mifepristone (RU 486) and a Prostaglandin Analogue

In 2115 women seeking voluntary termination of pregnancy after 49 days of amenorrhea or less, we studied the effect of a single 600-mg dose of mifepristone (RU 486), followed 36 to 48 hours later by the administration of one of two prostaglandin analogues, either gemeprost (1 mg by vaginal suppository) or sulprostone (0.25, 0.375, or 0.5 mg by intramuscular injection). The women were monitored for four hours after prostaglandin administration. Efficacy was indicated by the complete expulsion of the conceptus without the need of an additional procedure. All other results were considered failures, and the pregnancy was then terminated by a surgical method.