Pearl Millet as an Alternative Feed Ingredient in Broiler Diets

Widespread cultivation of pearl millet for grain production in parts of the United States has been limited due to its susceptibility to rust disease. Over the last 3 yr, grain from a recently developed rust-resistant hybrid of pearl millet was evaluated for its potential use in poultry broiler diets. The evaluated grain from each year had a comparable TMEn value (3,300 to 3,448 kcal/kg) and higher protein content (12 to 14%) than corn. In two battery studies (2 to 16 d of age) and two floor pen experiments (1 to 42 d of age) varying levels of pearl millet replaced yellow corn and a portion of soybean meal in isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets. The performance and carcass yield of broilers fed diets containing up to 50% pearl millet were equivalent or better than those of broilers fed typical corn-soybean diets. The results clearly indicate that this new hybrid of pearl millet could be a successful alternative grain for poultry production. Because pearl millet can be successfully cultivated in regions where corn production is marginal, this grain may prove to be economically beneficial to the grain and poultry producers in such areas.