Concentration of Bone elements in osteoporosis

In aging and in osteoporosis, decreased bone density is associated with decreased bone mass. However, changes in the bone mineral phase remain a matter for investigation. In particular, it is unknown whether bone mineral loss is directly related to reduction in bone mass or associated with changes in the concentration of mineral elements in mineralized bone tissue. In this study, the cortical bone concentration of elements was determined in biopsies of the ilium from 33 subjects (12 controls and 21 individuals with untreated severe osteoporosis). Calcium and phosphorus concentrations were evaluated in cortical and trabecular bone using energy‐dispersive x‐ray (EDX) microanalysis and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES). Bone concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, Sr, Al, B, and Si were also determined in cortical bone using ICPOES. Additionally, the concentration of F in cortical bone was measured with a specific ion electrode and the concentration of Pb was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. In mineralized bone tissue there was no significant age‐dependent variation in the concentration of Ca, P, or other elements either in controls or in osteoporotic subjects. Moreover, the concentration of elements in bone tissue did not differ in the two groups. These results suggest that the decrease in bone density in osteoporosis is directly related to evolution of the bone mass, without detectable changes in the concentration of elements in bone
Funding Information
  • Inserm
  • Langlois Foundation