Age-Related Reductions in Cerebral Vasomotor Reactivity and the Law of Initial Value: A 4-Year Prospective Longitudinal Study

A group of 51 neurologically normal, middle-aged and elderly volunteers (aged 35–86 years; mean age 63.24 years) with and without risk factors for stroke were given annual tests of cerebral vasomotor reactivity to assess any changes in the cerebral vascular capacitance associated with advancing age that might alter cerebral vasomotor reactivity. Cerebral vasomotor reactivity was estimated as the difference in bihemisphere gray matter CBF measured by the 133Xe inhalation method in the steady state breathing room air, followed by a second measurement during inhalation of 100% oxygen. There were significant and progressive reductions in cerebral vasomotor reactivity during the 4-year longitudinal study. Positive linear correlations were apparent between initial steady-state mean bihemisphere gray matter CBF levels and degrees of vasomotor reactivity, suggesting that the Law of Initial Value plays an important role. This should be borne in mind when analyzing scores of cerebral vasomotor reactivity. In the present communication, analysis of covariance was used to correct for influences of initial CBF levels on vasomotor responses tested while breathing pure oxygen.