Design of the collective Thomson scattering diagnostic for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor at the 60 GHz frequency range

The physics feasibility study [H. Bindslev et al., ITER Report Contract No. EFDA 01.654, 2003,] concludes that the frequency option below the electron cyclotron resonance was the only system capable of meeting the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) measurement requirements for the fusion alphas, with present or near term technology. This article presents the design of the collective Thomson scattering diagnostic for ITER at the 60 GHz range. The system is capable of measuring the fast ion distribution parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field at different radial locations simultaneously. The design is robust technologically with no moveable components near the plasma. The article includes the upgrade requirements to provide temporally and spatially resolved measurements of the fuel ion ratio.